Trainee Membership Application


Eligibility Requirements:

  • Current undergraduate, graduate, predoc, postdoc, clinical fellow, or resident
  • Interest in cancer related disciplines
  • Participant in cancer training programs/activities
  • Ability and willingness to contribute to the cancer center programs and activities.


Membership Privileges: 

  • Access to connect with various JCCC research programs and extended cancer center network
  • Access to grant writing support workshops
  • Access to training opportunities
  • Access to career development opportunities
  • Access to internal and external funding opportunities
  • Access to support for cancer related activities and events
  • Access to attend/participate in other UCLA, state and national level education and training activities Inclusion in JCCC communications, meetings, retreats, symposiums, seminars and other events
  • Lunches with distinguished speakers
  • Opportunity for upcoming Travel Awards Program
  • Opportunity to become a Trainee Ambassador 
Are you currently a UCLA trainee?

Degrees Attained 

Degrees in Progress
Which cancer center program best fits your primary area of interest?

 The Cancer Center currently operates six research programs:

Demographic Information

The following demographic sections are optional. Your response will be kept strictly confidential and demographic data for our JCCC trainee membership will only ever be reported in aggregate. We ask for this information in an effort to better understand our membership and better enable our Center to live up to its commitment of promoting equity, diversity and inclusion across all of our activities.
Please indicate the gender you identify with:
Please indicate the race/ethnicity you identify with:
Select all that apply